--Photoshop-- Futuristic Green Background
This is "easy to make" background and there is only few steps needed to create it
1.Open new document (size depends on your screen resolution), select gradient tool and from Mode drop down menu on the top choose difference:
2. Now just start to making silly moves on the new document. Watch out not to overdo it... You should have something like this:
3. After this duplicate layer: Layer>Dyplicate Layer, then go Filter>Distort>Wave just as it shows picture below:
4. Set parameters like this:
5. After this repeat "step 3" 2-3 times but everytime on wave adjustments click Randomize:
6. Now merge all layers into one:
7. Now press Ctrl+U on the keyboard and set parameters as they are in picture below:
8. Job is done and this is the result:
click on image for full size